Cross country is a sport where you run. You run and then run some more. While this may not seem like fun for many as is the appeal for other sports, many still participate either for the gym credit or the joy of triumphing over your competitors as you cross the finish line. To feel the glory as others around you cheer with admiration for the hard work you put in to reach that point. No matter the speed or the time, everyone recognizes the hard work and dedication put in by every member without question.
This season has especially been influential with all the runners beginning to find their way in running and improving throughout the season and all the practices. In this season, the men’s cross country team placed 13th in state after smoothly qualifying after placing second for 3A schools in our region. The women’s team also improved from last year, placing well in nationals and surpassing what they were expected to do.
Both teams outperformed what was expected with seniors balancing their last season of cross country in high school while completing their college applications. This balance was seen all across the team with all students maintaining their grades and schoolwork with the commitment taking up many hours a week including a dreadful Saturday practice at 8 am. Many of the races meant all runners missed large amounts of school and had to organize with their teachers to make up the work and tests that were missed. With their commitment proven, they should be celebrated in our school with their hard work being clear with the many middle schoolers knocked over in the warmups around the school right as the middle schoolers get out.
As the season progressed, the team grew together, overcoming the differences of interests and grade level and truly became one. The team bonded through mutual dedication and learned to work together and push one another to improve. Everyone on the team reached outside of their comfort zones and tried their best even if it meant that it would hurt at some points or be inconvenient at others. Overall, this season should be celebrated with it setting unprecedented achievements in our school and growing together as a community and continual improvement.