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  • Writer's pictureRobin Miranda Moreno


Standing in the midst of the flowers and weeds, the sun is barely outside on the horizon, slightly over the covers of the bed of flowers surrounding our main focus. As the character stares out in awe of the comforting butterflies skipping from petals blossoming in the nearby sweet apple trees, perhaps also catching glimpses of the busy traffic of fuzzy bees swimming through the field of feathery weeds, gently tugging along a soft breeze that delicately picks apart the seeds. As this current flows through the field, so does it sprinkle bundles of new life throughout the sensory dream.

Our attention is brought back to the character in the middle of all of this, staring out to the outermost ends of the garden, almost touching the fluttering leaves brushed by the drips of the sun and dancing along with bees surrounding them. With a soft raise of their face, the sugary scent of the early apple blossoms fill the space around them, a tart and sweet entrance. Once situated in the scene, they sit down and inevitably allow the greenery of the natural spectacle to embrace their very being. The simple tender tickling by the dandelions on their cheek, almost like fingertips tracing along one’s smile lines. With the sky eager to join the scene, a peaking sun barely brushing past the soft off-white clouds blending with the brush strokes of a sunrise begins to sing a tune of pitters and patters, harmonizing with the murmuring wind... murmuring?

What’s it saying? Surely, it’s all a trick of the ear.

Anyhow, the focus will be brought back to the glistening leaves, rustling, rivulets of raindrops carving pathways down the trees connecting branches, effortlessly falling down to the flowerbed below. Bees and butterflies alike continue to dilly dally, playing games of hopscotch on the silky petals of scattered flowers. A buttery scent fills yet again our character’s space, a subtle yet nostalgic scent, a sense of feeling at home, eating butterscotch candy on a late early fall afternoon. It feels too good to be true, like all of this was meant to be, from every ping of a droplet down to the twitching of every leaf. All pieces were woven perfectly, nothing was out of place, comforting.

There was no reason to resist being tucked away by the tender touch of every miniscule detail. No need to even think of being away from this pristine experience. Butterflies prancing through the glitching weeds, leaving traces of sweet pollen in the hair of our character, slowly, but surely, drifting to sleep. The delicate designs of the silky smooth scents surround in a beautifully crafted dream, sleep surely envelops our character.

Relax, tuck away in the blankets of the naturally constructed flower bed, fingertips distance away. Listen to the whispers of the delicate, chilling breeze. They know what to say.

Sleep tight in the dandelion field. Sleep soundly, ignore the buzzing of the sky, it’s simply ushering you to bed. Enter the necessary deep sleep, let everything tinkered specifically for this moment consume to the last bits of your consciousness.

Go to sleep. We’re waiting...


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